What type of massage suits you best?

We are one of the finest choices for massage and remedial therapy, specialising in all types of sports massage in Kingston upon Thames and beyond. Whether you are an athlete, mother-to-be, office worker, or any other person in need of help with aches, pains or injuries, you’ll be able to find a treatment that is suited to your individual needs here.

Depending on your career type, your level of activity and a number of other factors, different types of massage may be more suited to your needs. We can provide you with a bespoke solution.

For those who are psychically active

People who exercise a lot or even lead a very active lifestyle could benefit from our sports massage in Kingston upon Thames. This will help to improve your flexibility, heal muscles, reduce the risk of sports related injuries and benefit recovery.

For mums-to-be or new mums

A prenatal massage can be extremely beneficial for expectant mothers Massage helps to increase your blood flow, which is great for the baby, and also reduces fatigue, elevates mood and relieves aches and pains which can kick in during pregnancy. New mums can also benefit from the above points to keep them healthy after the birth.

For those with injuries not relating to sport

Sometimes if people work in offices or do not exercise their muscles enough, it can lead to an increased likelihood of strains and aches. This can lead to an injury if you place too much stress on the body. By having a tissue massage you can help to loosen the scar tissue, focus on areas of pain to relieve them and promote good circulation so that the muscles are oxidised, aiding recovery.

For those with re-occurring or chronic pains

Massage can be a great option for all areas of the back, carpal tunnel syndrome, a number of chronic inflammations and more. Whatever it is, massage can help to alleviate the pain.

Our therapist Jambaal has a comprehensive understanding of human biomechanics, anatomy and the effects that massage has on specific pathologies. A science-based approach to massage treatment allows her to focus on re-aligning and balancing tissue. All treatments that are offered here are well-researched and documented to ensure that we deliver exactly what you need.

For more information on our sports massage in Kingston upon Thames, or any of our other services, please call today for a consultation. During this time, we will be able to establish the best course of action for yourself and return you on the road to recovery.

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